Thursday, January 18, 2018

Thursday, January 18, 2018

At the Opening Bell

Symbol     Qty    Asset    Price    Cost       Mkt Value
JSAIY      36     Equity   14.44    519.84     512.28
XTN         7     Equity   67.84    479.63     474.88
GULF       20     Equity   18.77    375.88     371.60

CASH                                           126.22
                                 TOTAL VALUE: 1496.34

Well, that's a nice Good Morning. Everything gapped up overnight, bringing me pretty close to breaking even. The plan today -- as it has been --is to stand pat on these trades and let the stop limit orders do their work.

At the Closing Bell

Symbol     Qty    Asset    Price    Cost       Mkt Value
JSAIY      36     Equity   14.19    519.84     571.60
XTN         7     Equity   68.12    479.63     476.84
GULF       20     Equity   18.58    375.88     371.60

CASH                                           126.22
                                 TOTAL VALUE: 1493.78

Everything was up or, at the worst, just fair to middling up until the last 20 minutes the market was open. At that point, JSAIY and GULF took a turn and dragged the overall portfolio value down.

There were a few points during the day when the portfolio was only a $1.50 or so from being at break-even again. But, what the market giveth, the market can taketh.

On a day when the Dow, S&P 500, and Nasdaq were all down (0.73%, 0.16%, and 0.03%), I don't feel that bad.

On the bright side...

...I was able to keep my hands off things. I neither bought anything new (even thought I found a few candidates) nor did I react to frustration and sell something. Overall, I'll take this discipline as a win.

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